Secunderabad city is named after the Nizam Sikandar Zah,and is part of the largest military stations in India.
This part of the city was the HQ of the old Nizam state railways, it is separated- from th main city of Hyderabad by an artificial lake called Hussain Sagar. Both the cities are connected by an imposing road which attracts a large number of people especially on summer evening. Though geographically a twin of Hyderabad and part of the metropolin, there is a district identity for Secunderabad for historical reasons.
The fact that this part of the city was the cantonment, under the British, when the Nizam was a protectorate and therefore was allowed an independent part enjoying its own unique envoirment and culture. Even today the old city of Hyderabad presents a galore of old world splendour of the by-gone moughal days, Secunderabad represents a picture of moderni with a cosmopolitan and multilingual population always humming with intense activities.It is rightly called the “Sangam” of the North and South parts of the country.…