VIth Definitive Series - 20p Mother & Child

1st Printing
Cylinder No's D1 - D33 Ashokan Watermark
2nd Printing
Cylinder No's D34 - D43 Ashokan Watermark
3rd Printing
Cylinder No's D1 - D62 Ashokan Watermark

Errors & Variations in Numerals (of Cylinder Numbers)
D - 36 A series of notes on Errors & Variation in Numerals.20p/Mother & Child/Cylinder D36/2nd printing/ with normal & week "36" .
D - 36 A series of notes on Errors & Variation in Numerals.20p/Mother & Child/Cylinder D36/2nd printing/ P2/with normal & Damaged "D".
D - 38 A series of notes on Errors & Variation in Numerals.20p/Mother & Child/Cylinder D38/3rd printing/ Incomplete "8".
D - 43 A series of notes on Errors & Variation in Numerals.20p/Mother & Child/Cylinder D43/3rd printing/ Broken "D" & Normal.
D - 5 A series of notes on Errors & Variation in Numerals.20p/Mother & Child/Cylinder D5/3rd printing/ Ghost "0".
