Speed Post Introduction

Express Mail Service. (EMS) is the generic name used universally for high speed premier and guaranteed mail delivery service. India joined the network when Speed Post was launched by the Department of Posts on 1st August,1986. Commercial and industrial expansion here has generated a new customer need to have the correct documents, samples and specimens on time. The Speed Post, a specialized service of the Department of Posts, has provided this need and has witnessed a remarkable growth in terms of network development in traffic and revenue and has become the market leader in the domestic sector.
Speed Post provides Inland and International Speed Post Service and Inland Speed Post Money Order service. The domestic Speed Post Service links a large number of cities and towns having commanality of interest with one another. Under its contractual services, Speed Post Service is provided to any place in India, be it a town or a tiny village and its network is envied by many a courier around the world. The National Speed Post Service connects 62 important centres with six extension counters. The point-to-point Speed Post service links 737 pairs of specific cities. Added to this, the personlised contractual Speed Post service for regular customers to specific stations has been introduced. The network is manned by a branch of specially selected and trained officials and their performance is judged and monitored according to well-defined parameters. The Speed Post in fact follows a distinct mail network, bagging and transmission pattern quite different from the ordinary post to ensure its desired, speedier and guaranteed delivery standard. All important Speed Post Centres have a marketing wing to provide help and assistance and to cater to any type of urgent coomunication needs of the customer. The Speed Post has geared itself up to meet the present day demands and has added on:
- free pick up services for regular users.
- Round the clock service at selected booking centres.
- Book now, pay later scheme for the regular users.
- Self-booking facilities for the bulk customers to eliminate delay and queuing at booking counter.
Every article and bag is documented, tracked and traced at each stage of handling and transmission point to ensure its prompt sorting, transmission and delivery within the assured time-frame. Because of this strict quality control, the cases of delay are kept to the inescapable minimum. In its bid to provide after sales service, each Speed Post centre has a separate customer-service wing to process enquiries and grievances. These customer-service centres have a well designed MIS on every article booked and the customer wing services at the four metros are easily accessible through fax and telex. The marketing wing in the department ensures monitoring the pulse of the customers by regular market survey, and on assessing the courier needs and the various segments of the customer so that existing services could be redesigned and more value added services be provided. These market surveys are utilized also to assess the quality of systems designed and the service as actually provided and help take the necessary remedial actions.
The Speed Post completes 7 years this year and since its inception it is a matter of pride that the growth of traffic is more than 6 times and the revenue is more than 9 times. INPEX- 93 is the 8th National Exhibition to be held and to mark the inaugural of the INPEX-93 the Department of Posts focused on one of its services—the Speed Post—by bringing out a special postage stamp, depicting the speed, range and nature of the service. The FDC design has the ‘magic carpet’ of Speed Post flying all over India—a dream come true for all customers and for the department!