Postal Automation & Mechanization

Postal Mechanisation - all aspects of the machanisation and automation of the posts: those evidenced on postal items and those in support.

With ever increasing volumes of mail, men have turned to machines to speed the work of getting letters from the sender to the recipient. Now machines do more and more of the transport, cancelling and sorting of mail. Some have left marks on the items of mail as evidence of their work; some have not. All, however, come under the aegis of postal machanisation.

A large number of machine cancellations of the 19th century can therefore be regarded as trials and are thus widely collected. With the spread of standard machinery in the 20th century monetary value may become less but the volume of material to collect expands considerably. However, it is not untill the 1950s that any new concept in cancelling the mail came into being.

Postal Automation Machanization_Belgium Belgium
Postal Automation Machanization_Canada Canada
Postal Automation Machanization_Germany Germany


Compact Indexation Desk and Desk Suite (By Bell Telephone Mfg Co) Compact Indexation Desk and Desk Suite (By Bell Telephone Mfg Co)

